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Assets Library

Last Updated March 3, 2024

Brief Overview

The Assets Library provides a quick and efficient way to add files, such as an image or video, to your WalkMe items. After uploading a file, a link will be created that you can use during the build and customization of your WalkMe content. You can use the library to upload, host, edit, delete, and completely manage your files independently. 

Use Cases

  • Upload and host your own assets on WalkMe servers then use them across WalkMe apps

How It Works

Access the Assets Library

Click on the settings icon in the editor and select Assets Library from the dropdown options.

Upload File

Upload a file and host if on WalkMe servers by clicking on the upload button:

File Overwrite

If a file is uploaded that already exists in the library (same name and type), you will be prompted to Cancel, Keep Both, or Replace.

Sorting Files

You can sort files inside the Assets Library according to the following:

  • Recently Uploaded
  • A to Z
  • Z to A
  • Type

Delete Image and Copy URL

To copy the URL of the file or to delete the file permanently, hover over it, and click on the relevant icon.

Accessing from the Visual Designer

How to Access

  • Assets Library can also be accessed from a ShoutOut in the Visual Designer
  • Open a ShoutOut, select an image, and click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the image

From Computer

  • In the From Computer tab, you can either drag&drop or Upload Image from your computer

From URL 

  • Before, images added through links appeared in the first and only tab with a link icon and counted as a part of the library storage
  • Now images coming from external URL are not counted as part of the asset library storage anymore and are located in a separate dedicated tab
  • Note: If the image is deleted from the source where you linked it from, the image in the Assets Library might get broken

Tips and Tricks Video

To see more Tip Tuesday videos on WalkMe World click here.

Technical Specifications

Supported file types

The assets library currently supports the following file types:

  • Image: .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .GIF, .SVG
  • Videos: .mp4, .WebM
  • Documents: .DOCX, .PPTX
  • Audio: .mp3
  • Portable Document Format: .PDF


  • Unavailable for "Limited Users"
  • Maximum file size: 25MB
  • Maximum 1,000 files allowed total for each Editor account
  • Maximum 1GB storage capacity for each Editor account
  • .DOC & .PPT files are not supported

File names

  • Special characters not supported
    • Example: \:*?>'"<>|
  • Blank spaces can not be used when naming a file - they will cause a space in the URL which will cause the link to break
    • Tip: If spaces are needed, try to use an underscore instead

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