Insights Terminology
Brief Overview
This glossary provides a brief intro to general analytics and specific WalkMe Insights terminology, and contains definitions to terms you will see used throughout the Analytics and Business Intelligence category.
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The number of end-users who have used a feature at least once.
AI Dashboards
The AI Dashboards sit within our existing system-specific dashboards in Insights, consisting of four unique dashboards that mirror our current AI capabilities. These include AI Answers, AI Action Bar, AI SmartTips, and AI Conditions.
All Time
Insights users metrics that show data from all time, meaning when a user was first seen and not according to any chosen filters and date range.
Analytics Properties
Additional properties to be tracked in Insights to enrich your analytics reports and filtering capabilities.
Custom Dashboard
Custom Dashboards are personalized dashboards that allow users to add metric widgets from various systems to create unique insights. Users can tailor these dashboards to their specific needs by filtering out unnecessary information and highlighting what matters most to them.
Custom Report
Reports created by the Business Intelligence (“BI”) team and available for manual export or scheduled export via email.
Custom Widget
A custom widget in custom dashboards is a user-defined widget that allows personalized data display by selecting specific systems, data types, and visualization formats to tailor insights to individual needs.
Digital Experience Analytics (DXA)
Collection level enabling the automatic capture of all user interactions (e.g., clicks, page views, etc.). This tracking level must be enabled in order to utilize different User Behavior analytics features such as Tracked Events, Funnels, and Features.
Engaged Element
Track user engagement with WalkMe on-screen guidance and pre-defined on-screen elements. Engaged Elements are integrated into WalkMe's Insights, enabling their use in Events, Flow Analytics, and other analytical tools to provide a comprehensive view of user engagement.
The intensity and frequency of your users' usage of your Insights features.
An Event is the smallest piece of data that Insights uses for analyzing behavior, calculating aggregations and more.
Insights collects Events describing all manner of interactions with WalkMe content and the host website (e.g., Walk-Thru Started, Launcher Clicked, Element Clicked, Page Viewed, etc.) from the Player-side.
Each interaction or state update on the Player-side is translated to an event that is transmitted to WalkMe's servers and saved in the Insights Data Model.
Event Properties
Characteristics of events, event properties are used to add additional information to events. For example, Survey ID is a property of the Survey Submitted event.
Flow Analytics
Flow Analytics is a tool that enables organizations to map, analyze, and optimize business processes across multiple applications and users. It focuses on identifying and addressing friction points within workflows to improve efficiency and effectiveness. By analyzing user journeys, Flow Analytics helps enterprises uncover insights into digital adoption and business outcomes, allowing them to enhance processes and achieve better results.
Funnels measure a sequence of Tracked Events to analyze the completion rate of a process. The Funnel report lets you visualize the steps your users take to complete a process and quickly identify how well they are succeeding or failing at each step.
Standard Filters
Filters set conditions that will determine what data will be displayed. Filters are used to make it easier to focus on specific sets of users or sessions in a data set. Filter conditions can be saved and re-used later on and are applicable in all report pages in which they appear; they can be created and select at the top of most Insights pages.
Date Range Filters
Date range filters determine the time frame of the reports displayed. Date range filters can be defined to use a custom date range by using the out-of-the-box calendar, or by using a drop-down of predefined ranges. The predefined options include ranges such as "Yesterday," "Last 7 days (not including today)," and "Last month."
Generated Report
A report that has been exported from the Reports Gallery. These reports are organized in the Generated Reports tab on the Exports & Subscriptions page.
Quantify success and understand user behavior in Insights. Using Goals, you can view not only how many times a WalkMe item has been played, but also if the user completed the process on your site.
Instantly transform your data from WalkMe into real insights and measure or track any user action on your site.
A pre-defined set of dimensions and measures that can be viewed on your Insights pages and exported/subscribed to from the Reports page. You can apply filters and a date range on reports in both the Insights pages and when exporting.
Report Measure(s)
A quantitative measurement of your data. The measurement can be done over any of the data model entities, e.g., counting Events, sessions or users, and by different dimensions e.g., country, browser-type or IP.
Report Dimension(s)
A qualitative characteristic of your data, report dimensions are used to group or filter a report. Some reports might not have a dimension and will only show a measure (such as Unique Users in the Overview page).
Report Builder
Self-service tool that allows you to create custom reports tailored specifically for your needs.
Reports Gallery
A centralized hub where you can access a variety of reports related to your WalkMe data. It allows you to discover pre-built reports or create your own custom reports using the Report Builder. The gallery provides options to export, edit, or subscribe to these reports, making it easy to manage and analyze your data.
Insights considers a session to be a single visit of a user to your website or application; a session must contain one or a series of events. A session begins when a user reaches your website/application, and it lasts until there is 30 minutes of inactivity, or for up to twelve (12) hours, whichever comes sooner. If a user is idle during a session for more than 30 minutes and then becomes active again, the subsequent activity is part of a new session.
A session will continue even if users navigate between different tabs or subdomains (e.g., from to, so long as the WalkMe snippet is installed on both websites.
Session Playback
A video-like reproduction of real end-user sessions.
Session Playback Tracking
A tracking mode that enables the collection of Session Playback data and the ability to play back a session in Insights.
Systems Overview
The main Insights dashboard and landing page for accounts with more than system. On this page you can see an overview of your system activity, including the most commonly used software, and user engagement within systems, allowing you to leverage WalkMe to improve adoption.
Monitored Systems Table
The table consists of all web systems, desktop apps, and workstation systems that are configured for that MSA. The display name of a system is pulled from: → "Enterprise Account" tab → "Display Name" of the relevant system.
Web System
WalkMe space dedicated to content and data management for a web application (e.g. Salesforce).
Workstation System
A solution that allows a non-contextual balloon to appear on the user's Desktop (Windows/Mac).
Desktop App
A unique app that is defined by one or more processes.
A subscription in Insights Reports allows you to receive scheduled updates of specific reports via email.
Tracked Events
Tracked Events are defined by an interaction with an element on the host website (i.e., HTML element or page) or by a Walk-Me Event. Once Tracked Events are defined, they can be used throughout the Insights application in Filtering, Features, Funnels, and they simplify Session transcripts.
Users Adopted
A metric that appears on the Insights Features page and indicates the number of unique users who have had an Adoption Event related to a Feature occur in at least one of their sessions.
Term to refer to the WalkMe host app's end-users. The user identity is defined by the settings of the End User ID (set in the WalkMe Editor), and affects all unique aggregations (e.g., Engaged Users, Users Who Played a Smart Walk-Thru, etc.).
User Behavior Events
User engagement with the underlying website is tracked by Insights, using Events relating to the type of interaction the user had with the website (e.g., page visit, button click, etc.) along with additional information about the type of interaction and the element the user interacted with.
WalkMe Engagement
User engagement with WalkMe content (i.e., Walk-Thrus, ShoutOuts, Launchers, etc.)
WalkMe Engagement Tracking
The default tracking mode for WalkMe customers, WalkMe Engagement tracking enables the collection and analytics of WalkMe Events.
WalkMe Events
Engagement with WalkMe's content is tracked by Insights using Events relating to the type of interaction the user had with WalkMe (e.g., Walk-Thru played, Launcher clicked, Survey submitted) along with additional information about the type of interaction and the state of the interacted item.
WalkMe Items
A generic term for any publishable WalkMe content (e.g., Launchers, ShoutOuts, etc.).