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Version History

Brief Overview

WalkMe's Version History feature puts WalkMe content version control at your fingertips, enabling more flexible and secure content-creation. You can use version history in the Editor to edit content without the fear of making a mistake since it allows you to revisit and restore prior versions of many WalkMe items.

Version history is done from a user-friendly table thats shows every version of each WalkMe item created and specifies which can be restored. This makes the content-creation process more efficient and less stressful.

How It Works

Version history is available for all actions made within a Smart Walk-Thru, ShoutOut or Launcher. The history is built upon the Editor's Activity Log feature, which must already be enabled for the history to be accessible.

Learn more about the Activity Log. 

When “Show history” is selected, the available versions are presented in the Version History table. The versions available are directly tied to the versioning-compatible actions that have been recorded by the Activity Log up to that point.


  • The Restore functionality works only for "Modify" and "Create" action types (meaning that "Publish", "Delete", and all other actions can't be restored without contacting WalkMe Support for assistance)
  • The Activity Log aggregates all the saved changes made within a WalkMe item under the action "Modify"
  • In the Activity Log, "Modify" includes "Rename" and "Save" actions, but only "Save" actions can be restored
  • Customized CSS designs can't be restored if they were deleted

How To Use Version History

  1. Hover on the item in the WalkMe Editor that you want to view history on
  2. Click the options menu and select "Version History" in the dropdown
  3. The Version History table will appear with the following information:
    • Time: The time and date the action was taken
    • Created By: The name of the user who performed the action
    • Action: The name of the action as it appears in the Activity Log
    • Action button: Shows whether this is the most recent action or if an action can be restored
      • The “Current Version” label appears for the most recent action
      • The Restore button appears for all restorable actions

Restoring WalkMe Items

  • When an action is restored, it's row stays in the same position in the table and a new row is added to the UI
  • The new row is a duplicate of the restored version, meaning that the "Action" column (and the version it represents) is the same, but the "Time" and "Created By" column will now show the time of the restore and the user who made the restore
  • Deleted items can't be restored by users. In case you need to restore a deleted item, reach out to our Support team.
  • Restored WalkMe content gets the same name as it had before it was removed. In case you have new content with the same name, make sure to change it, because otherwise old content will not be able to be restored.

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