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Can I add a survey to the player menu?

Last Updated April 25, 2024


How can I add a Survey to the Player Menu?


Surveys are typically played automatically with an AutoPlay Rule, opened with a Launcher, or started at the end of a Walk-Thru. In order to add a Survey to the menu, we'll use a workaround by adding the Survey to the end of a one step Walk-Thru.

How to add a Survey to the Player

  1. Create your Survey (read more about creating Surveys here).
  2. Create a new Smart Walk-Thru. Name the Walk-Thru something related to the Survey such as “Satisfaction Survey” or “Complete our Survey!”
  3. Add a Popup Step. Create a Popup with text that tells the users about the purpose of the survey and ask them to participate. The Popup step will be your first and only step in the Walk-Thru.
  4. Click the Initiators

  5. Scroll down and click "End Experience"

  6. Fill out the Survey Options:
    1. Choose your Survey;
    2. Choose to trigger the Survey when the user clicks X or when the user completes the Smart Walk-Thru
    3. Select Save

Now when the user plays this Walk-Thru, the Survey will launch after the Popup step.

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