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Work flows better with WalkMe.

Account Management

Last Updated February 15, 2024

Brief Overview

WalkMe's account management options enables you to manage your WalkMe account across different web applications and implementations. You can have multiple editor accounts and user permissions, easily switch between systems, create new users and roles, and manage it all from one centralized location.

How It Works

All WalkMe accounts are created to support multiple systems. Each system has different WalkMe content and the data from your different Editor accounts will remain separate in WalkMe Insights.


Once added, a system cannot be removed from an Enterprise Account.

Settings Breakdown

Switching Accounts

  1. Log into the Editor
  2. Click on the system name in the upper right corner
  3. Choose the system which you'd like to work on

    Desktop Web is the default and you may also see an option for Mobile Web if you have this enabled.

  4.  Admins will have the option to manage users and systems from the options menu
  5. Selecting "Manage users" will show all the users associated with the system, with the option to open the Users & Roles page in the Admin Center
  6. Selecting "Manage Systems" will open the Admin Center

Adding Users to an Account

  1. Navigate to the Admin Center at
  2. Go to the "Users & Roles" tab
  3. Click the blue "+" icon
  4. Add user's details and select which systems they will have access to
  5. Select the level of access the user will have. Read more on the different role types in our User Management Article
  6. Click "Send invitation"

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