Popup Steps: Getting Started Guide

Brief Overview

Popup steps are balloon steps that are not attached to any specific element. They can be used to give general information or guidance, without attaching the message to any page element.

Popup are used to draw your users attention to featured text. Unlike regular step balloons, popups are not attached to an element but appear in the center of the page. Popups can be placed anywhere within a Smart Walk-Thru.

Use Cases

Popups are commonly used to enhance the user experience by communicating a message about your site or the process the user is completing. Popups can also be used for promotional purposes.

Common examples of how to use popups include:

  • Showing a success message at the end of a process
  • Placing a welcome message at the beginning of an Auto Play Smart Walk-Thru when users arrive on your site

How It Works

Popups can be created in the Smart Walk-Thru as you are initially building or added later. The popup will appear to the user in the center of the screen, unattached to any element.

Popups can be used anywhere in the main path or a branch of the Smart Walk-Thru.

🎓 Digital Adoption Institute

Create a Popup Step

  1. Open the Smart Walk-Thru where you will add the popup step
  2. Hover between the two steps where you want to add the popup step
  3. Click the Orange plus sign
  4. Select Popup
  5. In the Interaction tab, design the balloon with a title and body text using the editing tools
  6. Use the grid to determine where the popup step will appear on the screen
  7. Turn on Enable Spotlight if you want to add a screen overlay
  8. Add Step Triggers to add a custom trigger for the popup step

  9. The popup step will be shown in your Smart Walk-Thru flow

  • If a popup step is moved by the user, the following popup steps in the Smart Walk-Thru will appear in the same location of previous step
  • If a new Smart Walk-Thru is played, the first popup of that flow will appear on the same display (in case the user has more than one monitor) as the last Smart Walk-Thru but on the predefined location set by the builder

In the Interaction tab, configure the following:

Edit popup design

  • Text: Click the bubble to add header and body text for the popup
  • Options menu:
    • Rich text editor: Access the rich text editor to change the text size, style, color, add dynamic text, or insert a video
    • Change design: Add an existing design from the Design Gallery
    • Edit CSS: Customize the balloon design with custom CSS

Visual Settings

  • Display X on Balloon: Shows an X for users to close ballon - recommended not to remove
  • Show Buttons:
    • Next/Done: Next is shown if there is a step after the popup or Done if it is the last step
    • Start: Shown if the first step in a Smart Walk-Thru
    • Back: Goes back to the previous step, but only shown if the previous step had a Next trigger
    • Cancel: End the Smart Walk-Thru

  • Step Triggers: Add a custom trigger for the popup step - not available when Display During Automation is turned on
  • Display During Automation: Displays the popup step continuously while an automation is in process
  • Enable Spotlight: When turned on, a screen overlay is displayed and the user will not be able to interact with other elements on the page
  • Position: Changes the location of the popup on screen

Display During Automation

To prevent users from interrupting an automation process when playing Flow Steps, including Auto-Steps and Wait for Steps, following the popup, turn on Display During Automation.

Flow Steps

Turning on Display During Automation will enable the popup to remain on screen during the automation and notify users that an automation is in process. This prevents users from interrupting the automation by clicking on the screen and stopping the Smart Walk-Thru.

This is useful in situations where users are unaware that an automation is occurring and they aren't notified, it might even look as if their computer is being remotely controlled.

The popup will stop showing once the automation ends.

For example, once the Smart Walk-Thru has reached the last step or if it's followed by a regular step or another popup.

You can also turn on Close after playing to have it close after playing a specific flow step. You will need to select the Flow Step from the dropdown options.


  • Set up another popup after the last flow step to let users know the automation process finished
  • Mention in the first popup to wait until there is a message showing the process has ended

Close after playing limitations

  • Can be turned on only when a flow step is after the popup
  • The flow step must be saved to be available in the dropdown
  • The page must finish loading for the popup to reappear

You can adjust the following in the Appearance tab:

  • Arrange Layer Order (z-index)
  • Timing Options

Appearance Tab

Add builder notes for better collaboration with team members.

Notes Tab

Technical Notes

  • Consecutive overlays with different colors or opacity are not supported

Tip Tuesday Videos

How to Create a Popup with Clickable Action Items

How to Build a Table in a Popup

Add CSS Arrows on Popup Steps

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