WalkMe Surveys in the Console
Brief Overview
The survey app in the console is a feature designed to enhance WalkMe's existing survey functionality and provide an advanced AI-driven survey creation, distribution, and analytics functionalities. With this app, users can create NPS-style, multiple choice, or open-ended questions surveys that can be deployed at any stage of the WalkMe build. The app provides customizable templates and branding options and to enhance the user experience.
To access surveys, navigate to the surveys app in WalkMe console:
- US Database: WalkMe Console
- EU Database: WalkMe Console
How It Works
Surveys page overview
They surveys page is a central hub for creating, managing, and previewing all the surveys that you have created.
1. Surveys table
The surveys table displays a list of all of the surveys you've created. The list includes four tabs for organization:
All Launchers: A full list of published and unpublished launchers
Published: A list of all published and active launchers
Drafts: A list of all unpublished and saved launchers
Archived: A list of archived launchers
Table Columns
Name: The name of the survey
System: The system the survey is associated with
Created Date: Date the survey was created
Creator: User who created the survey
Last Publish:
Player Type: Whether the survey is presented as a Popup Player or a Full-page Player
Yellow: Draft
Green: Published
Green stroke: Published and modified
2. Table icons
Manage Columns
Remove or add columns from the table
Click the Manage columns icon
Select which columns you'd like to have in the table
Click Apply
Create Survey
- Click the + Create Survey icon to create new surveys
- Learn more in the create a survey section below
Item options
Click on the Options menu in the item line to see the item menu
The following actions are available from the menu:
Publish & Distribute
Import Survey
Users can make the necessary changes to their existing survey.
Click Edit in the item line
The survey will open and be available to edit
Click Save
The preview features allows you to experience the user perspective.
Click Preview in the item line
Select an open tab from the list or open a new tab
Click Preview
A preview of the survey will open in a new tab
Click Publish
Select which environment to publish the survey
Click Publish to Production/Test/Success
Publish & Distribute
Users can select the survey they'd like to publish to an environment and distribute to users via email.
Click Publish & Distribute in the item line
A pop-up window will appear with steps for:
Import CSV
Import CSV
Upload a CSV or select from saved user lists to add participants
To upload a CSV:
Click Download Template near the top of the page
Add participants emails to the template
Click Upload to upload the user list
Click Next
To select an existing user list:
Select one or multiple lists under User lists available
Click Next
Enter the subject of the email
This text appears in the recipient's inbox and at the top of the email content
Enter the title of the email
This appears as the heading inside the email body
Enter the message of the email
Enter a CTA for the email
Set a timeframe for the survey to be accessible to respondents under Survey Availability
Activate survey now: The survey will remain open to responses until it is manually archived
Set specific start and end date: The survey will be open for a specific timeframe
Click Publish and Distribute
To archive a survey:
Click Archive in the item line
In the Archive From dropdown, select the environment from which the survey is being archived
Click the Archive from Production/Success/Test button
Click Delete in the item line
A popup will open
Click Delete

Import Survey
Users can choose to import from an existing WalkMe survey
Click Import Survey in the item line
A popup will appear
Select the preferred structure of your survey:
Standard: All questions will be displayed on a page at once
One Question Per Page: Each question will be presented on its own separate page
Click Import
Item bulk options
To perform an action on an item or multiple items, select the items by checking the box next to them
The following actions are available
Publish & Distribute
Search capabilities
Easily navigate all your content with a comprehensive search feature
Searches for content can be done by:
Survey name
System type
Player type
How to create a survey
There are three ways to create a Survey in the console:
Start from Scratch
Build a Survey from a blank canvas and customize every question
Create with AI
Let AI help you create a survey by generating questions tailored to your needs
Import from existing WalkMe Survey
Bring in a survey you've already created within the WalkMe editor
Start from scratch
Click the + Create Survey button
Select Start from Scratch
Create with AI
Click the + Create Survey button
Select Create with AI
A popup will appear with steps for:
Respondent Audience & Goals
Respondent Audience & Goals
Enter your intended respondent audience by either:
a. Typing in the text field
b. Selecting one of the respondent audience prompt options
Enter the subject of the survey and its goals by either:
Typing in the text field
Selecting one of the subject and goal prompt options
Click Next
Review the AI generated survey
Select Use this Survey
Import from existing WalkMe survey
Click the + Create Survey button
Select Import from existing WalkMe Survey
An Import Survey popup will appear to bring in a survey you've already created from within the WalkMe editor
Select a system and survey
Click Continue to Settings
Select the preferred structure of your survey:
Standard: All questions will be displayed on a page at once
One Question Per Page: Each question will be presented on its own separate page
Click Import
Question types
Optional: Click Add Page to add a question on a new page
Click Add New Question
Select Multiple/Single Choice
Single Choice: Respondents can select one option from a list of choices
Multiple Choice: Respondents can select one or more options from a list of choices
Enter the question in the Title text field
Optional: Enter a description of the question
Add the answer options individually in the text box
Optional: Click Add Choice to add more answer options
Optional: Customize question in the Question Settings drawer on the right side of the page
Click the Question type dropdown to change to a different type of question
Select the Answer Type
Multiple Selection
Single Selection
Click the Format dropdown to change the format of the question
List: The answer options will appear as a visible list
Optional: Adjust the Alignment
Dropdown: The answer options will appear in a dropdown menu
Upload an image or a video
Choose the Response Requirements by enabling or disabling preferences
Require response: Users must provide an answer to the question
Click Delete Question to remove the question from the page

Optional: Click Add Page to add a question on a new page
Click Add New Question
Select the type of text
Message: Add a general message to the survey that is separate from any of the questions
Enter a title for the message
Enter a message
Optional: Customize question in the Question Settings drawer on the right side of the page
Click the Question type dropdown to change to a different type of question
Adjust the Format by enabling or disabling preferences
Title in bold: Turn on toggle to make the title of the text appear in bold
Upload an image or a video
Click Delete Question to remove the question from the page
Free Text: Respondents provide open-ended answers in an input box
Add a question to the Title text field
Optional: Enter a description of the question
A text box will be displayed for respondents to type in their responses
Optional: Customize question in the Question Settings drawer on the right side
Click the Question type dropdown to change to a different type of question
Upload an image or a video
Choose the Response Requirements by enabling or disabling preferences
Require response: Users must provide an answer to the question
Click Delete Question to remove the question from the page

Optional: Click Add Page to add a question on a new page
Click Add New Question
Select the type of scale question
Rating: Respondent selects from a scale of stars or other icons
Add a question in the Title text field
Optional: Enter a description of the question
Enter the minimum and maximum text labels to define your scale
Optional: Customize question in the Question Settings drawer on the right side of the page
Click the Question type dropdown to change to a different type of question
Adjust the icon format
Choose the icon type
Adjust the icon color
Inactive color: The color used when the icon is not selected
Active color: The color used when the icon is selected
Upload an image or a video
Choose the Response Requirements by enabling or disabling preferences
Require response: Users must provide an answer to the question
Comment box: Allow the user to add text notes to their answer
Click Delete Question to remove the question from the page
NPS: Respondents rate how likely they're to recommend a product or service on a scale of 0 to 10
Add a question to the Title text field
Optional: Enter a description of the question
Customize the low and high score labels to represent the scale
Optional: Customize question in the Question Settings drawer on the right side of the page
Click the Question type dropdown to change to a different type of question
Upload an image or a video
Choose the Response Requirements by enabling or disabling preferences
Require response: Users must provide an answer to the question
Click Delete Question to remove the question from the page

Additional capabilities of survey builder
Save survey
Click Save at the top of the page
A popup will open to select the way to display your survey:
Popup: Survey is displayed inside a modal on top of a website
Select system: Select which system to give access to the survey
Full-Page: A standalone survey that takes up the entire web page on a new browser tab
Click Save
Click the Settings icon at the top of the page
An Advanced Settings popup will appear
Autoplay: Automatically play the survey when it is loaded:
Off: Survey will not play automatically
Play according to rule: Users can set rules for when the survey automatically plays
Click Create Rule
Learn more about how to use the condition builder here: Condition Builder
Replay after completing Walk-Thru: Set the maximum number of times a user will be exposed to the survey after completing a Walk-Thru:
Optional: Tick Remember Survey State Locally to save the current progress of the survey locally on your device
Optional: Tick Enable Spotlight to fade the background when displaying the survey
Adjust the Screen Overlay color and opacity
Click Apply
Change survey title
Click the in the title text field next to the edit icon
Enter a name for the survey
Press Enter
Change logo
Optional: Change the survey logo
To open logo settings click either on:
The logo at the top of the page
The Layers icon at the top left-hand side of the page
Click on Add Logo
The Logo Settings drawer will open on the right side of the page
Click Add Logo to upload an image
Adjust the position of the logo on the screen
Change the header color
Manage survey pages and questions
To edit or remove a page in the survey:
Click the Layers icon on the top left of the page
A side drawer will open with the layers of the survey where you can perform the following actions:
Delete a page
- Move questions between pages
To access the questions options menu, either:
Click the Options menu in the question field
Click the Layers icon on the top left of the page
Click the Options menu next to the question
The following actions are available from the menu: