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Work flows better with WalkMe.

Switching Systems

Brief Overview

All WalkMe accounts are created to support multiple systems. Each system has different WalkMe content and the data from your different editor accounts will remain separate in WalkMe Insights.

System Management

You can create new systems and manage the existing ones in the Admin Center at admin.walkme.com

Learn more about System management 

This article explains how you can switch views between your different systems in all the WalkMe apps.

Switching Systems in the Editor

  1. Log into the editor
  2. Click on the system name in the upper right corner
  3. Choose the system which you'd like to work on

    Desktop Web is the default and you may also see an option for Mobile Web if you have this enabled.

Introduction to the Editor

Switching Systems in Console

  1. Go to console apps at https://console.walkme.com (Menu Organizer, Solutions Gallery, Action Bot, Multi-language)
  2. Click on the dropdown in the upper right corner next to your current system indication
  3. Select the system you'd like to view your content for
  4. System switch dropdown is deactivated for apps which provide an overview of all your systems - for example, Workflows, Activity Board, and Builder Assistant

WalkMe Console

Switching Systems in Insights

Console Insights

  1. In the Insights app in Console, click on the specific system's name to view its data
  2. To further switch between systems, click on the dropdown next to the current system's name

Insights Console

Classic Insights

  1. In the classic Insights, use the dropdown in the upper right corner to switch views between your different systems

Insights Classic: Getting Started Guide

Copying content between systems

You cannot copy content from one system to another by yourself. If you need to do it, please reach out to your CSM or to Support.

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