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ShoutOut Not Appearing or Auto Playing


My ShoutOut isn't playing on the page where I expect to see it.


There are several factors that can affect a from ShoutOut appearing. This article will examine each of them below. 


Is the Auto Play Frequency set to Once or Once a day? Does clearing the browser cache and cookies allow for the ShoutOut to appear?

If you've already encountered the ShoutOut in your testing, you may need to test using a different browser or clear your cache and cookies to see it again.

Auto Play: Getting Started Guide

Cancel Auto Play

Are one or more of the "Cancel Auto Play once the user clicks" options checked?

The auto play will stop playing once that button was clicked. Try clearing your cache and cookies to to see the ShoutOut again.


Is there segmentation applied to the ShoutOut? The ShoutOut will not play if it has segmentation applied that is not valid.

  1. Check if there are any segment tags applied to the ShoutOut
  2. Check if the applied segment tags are true when the ShoutOut should play



  • Is the correct snippet environment implemented on the page where the ShoutOut should appear?
  • Is the ShoutOut published to the correct environment?
  • Can you see if other WalkMe content is loading?

The WalkMe Widget isn’t Appearing

SPA Configuration

Does your site behave like a single page application (SPA)? This means there are no page refreshes when navigating to different parts of the site.

Your editor account must be properly configured to handle SPA transitions. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or WalkMe Support if you suspect your application needs SPA configuration.

Auto Play Rules

Auto play rules are checked on page load by default.

  • Are the autoplay rules based on events that occur after page load?
  • If there are multiple rules in the rule engine, are they grouped correctly and using the correct operators (and/or)?

Rule Engine


  • Try to keep the auto play rules as “light” as possible
  • Use only URL rules, window variables, or elements that are visible immediately after the page has finished loading

ShoutOut still not appearing? Try this.

Your ShoutOut might not be playing due to the element not being present on screen on page load. Try the following:

  1. Create a Smart Walk-Thru with a URL based Auto Play rule
  2. Add a "Wait for" step to look for the selected on screen element
  3. Add an "Action" step to open the ShoutOut

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