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Collecting End Users Data

Brief Overview

Insights' End User Object is the entity storing all the end user's attributes as well as some predefined calculated metrics based on the end user's sessions stats.

You can group your users together based on who they are and what they do in your product for segmentation and other uses.

We store two types of data about your users:

  1. Standard data attributes (a default set of data we already have about your users).
  2. Custom data attributes (data you send us about your users).

Insights End User object uses the Unique User ID - for more information on how Insights unique user settings work, please read the dedicated article.

Standard Data Attributes

Insights runs a calculation of the end user metrics and updates the end user object accordingly. These metrics are updated at the end of a session, after the inactivity window of 30 minutes is complete and Insights closes that session for this user.

As soon as you start using Insights you will see the following list of standard user attributes:

  1. First seen timestamp
  2. Last seen timestamp
  3. Total Sessions - the total number of times a user has visited your site or app.
  4. Average session duration
  5. Total session duration - (also known as "time in app") - a cumulative sum of all the end user's sessions' duration.
  6. Average time between sessions - the average time between all the end user's session end time and session start time.
  7. Country - The most recent country visited by the user, this is based on the IP address in the end user's previous session.
  8. Region/State - The most recent region/state visited by the user, this is based on the IP in the end user's previous session.
  9. City - The most recent city visited by the user, this is based on the IP in the end user's previous session.
  10. Browser Name - The browser used in the end user's previous session.
  11. Browser Version - The browser version used in the end user's previous session.

Standard data attributes are case sensitive, be sure to use the exact syntax when sending this data into Insights.

Custom Data Attributes

Insights End User Object also stores all the data integrated into WalkMe for an End User using WalkMe's Incoming Integrations as well as stores the most recent Analytics Property value received per end user.

Analytics Properties:

  1. Name - Most recent name value (analytics property) sent for this end user.
  2. Role - Most recent role value(analytics property) sent for this end user.
  3. Type - Most recent type value (analytics property) sent for this end user.
  4. Status - Most recent status value (analytics property) sent for this end user.
  5. Info - Most recent info value (analytics property) sent for this end user.

WalkMe currently supports the following Incoming Integrations:

  1. Amazon S3
  2. CSV Upload
  3. Salesforce
  4. IDP

WalkMe also supports updating the End User Object using an API in the End User Update API Integration.


WalkMe limits the number of custom end user attributes to 100 across all integrations.

Segmentation of WalkMe Content Using Data from the End User Attributes

You are also able to segment WalkMe content based on the end user data stored. This includes both WalkMe's predefined Calculated Metrics as well as the custom attributes imported through Incoming Integrations.

The predefined metrics and fields are available in WalkMe's Editor Segmentation Center Rule Engine under the "User Attributes" Rule Type. To enable this feature contact your WalkMe Account Manager.


  • Using End-user attribute segmentation works retroactively, therefore users will have segmentation applied to them according the data from their previous session.
  • User Attributes are only available after the first session and only to accounts with UUID Settings.

Filtering and Segmentation Using User Attributes

Using this data you can filter your users for segmentation to answer questions, such as:

  • Which new users signed up in the last week?
  • Who signed up once but never returned?
  • What users recently upgraded to the VIP plan?
  • Who was using regularly up until a month ago, and then quit?


  • User attributes are only available after the first session
  • User attributes are updated at the end of a session, after the inactivity window of 30 minutes is complete and Insights closes that session for this user
  • User are deleted after 6 months of inactivity
    • Meaning if a user was last seen on  and was inactive for 7 months until  - a new end user object would be created for that user with first seen on , and all metrics would be calculated only from that point on.
  • In sessions where no activity takes place (users didn't have any interaction with the website) the session will appear as empty, with no data available

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