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Smart Walk-Thru does not appear in WalkMe Menu


Why aren't the Smart Walk-Thrus I created showing in the WalkMe Menu?


There are several reasons why a Smart Walk-Thru may not be appearing in the menu.

Problem with display conditions

Check the display conditions and segmentation assigned to the Smart Walk-Thru. 

  1. Open the Smart Walk-Thru in the editor
  2. Click on the Settings icon
  3. Go to the Display condition tab
  4. Confirm that "Hide from menu" is turned off
  5. Confirm any display condition rules evaluate as “True
  6. Confirm any segmentation rules evaluate as “True



  • Segment tags are evaluated as an “Or” statement, meaning at least one applied tag must be true
  • Display condition rules must always be true, regardless of any applied segmentation

Not in menu organizer

Check if the Smart Walk-Thru is in the menu organizer.

  1. Open the WalkMe Apps menu in the editor
  2. Select Menu Organizer
  3. Search for the Smart Walk-Thru in the menu
  4. If it's not there, find it in the items list and drag it to the menu 😃

WalkMe Menu Organizer

Published in wrong environment

Check if the Smart Walk-Thru is published in the correct environment.

You always need to publish to Production environment, even if it has already been published in Test.



Did you do all these things and it's still not showing? Try republishing. Whenever you make changes in the editor or menu organizer, you need to republish.

None of these solutions working?

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